Your Wellness Routine

“The five essential factors and indicators of beauty are health prevention with nutritional balance, the impact of stress (positive and negative), physical maintenance, energy and recovery and finally well-being.”

Dr. Olivier Courtin-Clarins

    • Lifestyle food, Albizia extract ingredient Good morning
    • Lifestyle sport, Albizia extract ingredient Strong & healthy
    • Lifestyle yoga, Albizia extract ingredient Bye Bye stress
    • Lifestyle bed, Albizia extract ingredient Sweet dreams

Because mental well-being goes hand in hand with a healthy body, taking care of your beauty also means taking care of yourself. This means nourishing your beauty from the inside with good food, maintaining your body with targeted exercises and, something we tend to neglect, taking time for yourself, the famous me-time. To help you feel good all day long, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, Clarins has developed 4 complete yoga, nutrition & beauty programmes which, if practised regularly and with pleasure, will bring you immediate and long-term results. Namaste.

Good Morning

The sun rises, your body has just spent several hours asleep under the duvet. To put it in perfect condition for the whole day, it needs a night/day transition moment. To do this, think about setting the alarm clock a little earlier to give yourself time. Put one foot on the floor, then the other, stretch yourself out and start your day in slow mode.


To softly wake up your body, follow the yoga good morning flow with Lucie Chea.

Lifestyle food, Organic leaf of life ingredient


Apply Total Eye Hydrate by gently patting the eye contour area from the inside to the outside to revitalise the eyes in a flash.

Strong & Healthy

Moving forward, daring... Mental and physical strength are intrinsically linked, they feed off each other: a toned body gives you self-confidence and the mind is crucial to achieving your goals, especially in sports. To feel strong every day, in mind and body, explore your inner energy, let it express itself. Draw on your inner strength, it is there, you just need to stimulate it.

5 yoga flows to recharge

To recharge your body with energy, follow the yoga strong & healthy flow with Théodore Zachée.

Arctic ferment extract ingredient, Lifestyle sport


To tone the body, apply Clarins firming favorites, Masvelt Cream or Body Fit, massaging vigorously from the bottom to the top of the body.

Bye Bye Stress

When the body asks for a break, listen to it. Give it 5 or 15 minutes, more if you have time, to relax, release the tensions that prevent it from breathing serenely and focus on the present moment. Connect with your body, feel your emotions.

5 yoga flows to relax

To get rid of toxic thoughts and breathe, follow the yoga bye bye stress flow with Delphine Marie.

Cornflower extract ingredient, Lifestyle yoga


Before going to bed, apply a few drops of Eau Ressourçante or "Relax" Oil on the wrists, and breathe in to relieve stress and sleep better.

Sweet Dreams

Before going to bed, your body and mind need to decompress and get rid of the tensions accumulated during the day. A few minutes of stretching, meditation or self-massage is all it takes to fall asleep peacefully and quickly. And sleep like a baby.


To set your body in a sleep condition, follow the yoga sweet dreams flow with Hortense Bourgois.

Lemon balm ingredient, Lifestyle bed


Remember to remove make-up every night before going to bed: first a cleansing milk to eliminate impurities, then a tonic lotion to perfect the result. This is the essential beauty step for healthy, clear skin ready for sweet dreams.

* Recipes taken from Dr. Olivier Courtin-Clarins’ book Belle dans mes recettes
DR. OLIVER COURTIN-CLARINS’ BOOK DR. OLIVER COURTIN-CLARINS’ BOOK   Son of Clarins founder Jacques Courtin, Dr Olivier Courtin is now Director of the Group’s Research Laboratory. He is also the author of numerous books on living well and the secrets of healthy eating.